If you have wondered how to increase your firm’s win ratio, then you must know it always comes down to 3 things: The Three Cs of Success in Proposals.

If you have wondered how to increase your firm’s win ratio, then you must know it always comes down to 3 things. A proposal must be…
1. Compliant:
Organize the document by the RFP
Use your responsibility/compliance matrix to verify compliance and sequence
Respond to all requirements
Follow the proposal instructions, evaluation criteria, contract special requirements, and statement of work elements
Use client conventions—like numbering system, terminology, and nomenclature
2. Comprehensive (Show the owner what they’re buying)
Show them you understand their goals and needs while simultaneously showing your value and benefits to the owner
Communicate your discriminators and win themes
3. Compelling (Owners buy experience, not ability)
Incorporate your experience, address client hot buttons, and show you know what’s important and why
Proposal-specific management and technical approach with proofs included – not “trust me” jargon
Don’t forget to discuss issues, features, benefits, and proofs explicitly
And that’s how you win more work with proposals.
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If you want more tips on how to win work, take advantage of a FREE strategy call with me. You can schedule it right here: https://letsmeet.io/ideasatdawnaecsolutions/are-we-a-fit